Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Heart of a Seaside Town.

The heart of Paignton is Paignton pier. Forget the natural beauty of the sea, the golden sand or cliff views, it is the pier that sticks in my head like a half chewed hubba bubba. Every vague memory I have is punctured by the long wooden walk way, the magnificent, tacky, noisy, beautiful walkway that is lined on both sides with ruthless arcade machines. As you enter the pier, it says, rather informatively:


There is a fish and chip shop, a donut stand and of course a small mechanical pirate ship. Then, as you enter the wooden doors it hits you. The freighting volume of whirring, buzzing, boinking, bonking and clattering of gun fire, mad cap cartoon bravery, simulated fist on simulated face - it is deafening. I can hardly hear what Nan is saying...

"Phil, Phil, don’t go wasting your money on all that rubbish."

"I’ve only put 10p in Nan."

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